Monday, 14 October 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Premier - Review

Season four of The Walking Dead had a really excellent premier. It made the walkers feel scary again after their almost non existent threat towards the end of last season, and it put us in a place where I honestly can’t imagine all of the immensely exciting things that could happen this series.

After the attack by the Governor on his own people, Rick and the survivors have welcomed the remaining survivors from Woodberry into the prison. The group is much larger now and it gives us several new and interesting characters who we will undoubtedly end up loving before the creators of the show decide that they will die horribly and tear our hearts out in the process. One of these new characters is former army doctor, Bob Stookey. He is going to be a main character this season and from what we saw of him this week, seems to have some exciting secrets that will unfold throughout the season.

The returning main characters have gone through some changes since season three. Rick seems to be turning into a little bit of a pacifist. He has taken the responsibility of farming the land and appears reluctant to take responsibility as a leader, a job that has fallen to Daryl and Hershel. This is an interesting change for Rick and I think that this change is possibly just the next step in Rick’s slow descent into madness in the wake of all the awful things he’s had to do, an issue which was directly addressed this episode. Carol has also changed. She is probably the most developed character in the series. She has changed from the always terrified, abused wife and mother from season one into a hardened, brave and confident survivor at the start of season four. This is a change that I really enjoyed; one of my favourite scenes from the premier was a scene in which Carol was showing the larger group of children in the group how to wield a knife. This was a scene that really highlighted how much Carol has changed from season one.

Carl is also a changed character. In the premier we see him struggle to work out whether he is a child or an adult. His confliction is really interesting to watch as he shows such delight when Michonne brings him new comics and yet he wants to help his dad secure the prison and gets really angry with the other kids when they start naming the walkers. Last season Carl killed a man in cold blood, and it is strange to see him not affected by it at all now. He still wants to help and fight, and from the brief trailer at the end of the episode, it seems that he is going to further struggle with morally grey situations this season.

My favourite scene in this episode was a run that Daryl took a few people on to a Costco like shop to gather supplies. This scene alone made me actually scared of the walkers for the first time since season two. The suspense was really intense and the walkers dropping through the ceiling one by one was a really scary situation.

I loved this episode. The Walking Dead is my favourite show on television at the moment and the first episode of season four did not disappoint. I honestly can’t think of a single thing that happened that I didn’t like or at least understand why they included it. I continue to be impressed by the production quality and the high calibre of acting that TWD has to offer.


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